
Callum on Longonot rim


Callum: "I've got blisters"

Me: "Shut up Callum, you've been walking for 30 seconds"

Callum: "I've definitely got blisters"
Me: "No you haven't, stop being pathetic, if you've got any blisters I will eat my head"
Callum: "I really have, can I take my socks off please"
Me: "Grrrr...yes you can" (angrily)
Callum: "See!!!!!" (gesturing at his feet)
Me: "There is not even a hint of a blister Callum, stop giving up before you've started"
Callum: "But I can't do it"

For the next two hours we did one step, one breath.
I have the patience of a saint.
Callum was very proud when he got to the rim of the volcano and wanted to carry on.
"I think you've walked enough today Callum" as I raced off round the rim to reach the summit leaving Callum to the care of a nice Upper School student.