

Once across the border we drove South with a soldier on each truck to protect us from any bandits and reached Marsabit where we repaired one of the trucks ready for the terrible roads ahead. In Sudan one of the trucks had got sand in the air filter and by now was using about 25 litres of oil each day and the chasis on the other was separating from the body. We got it welded all back together and headed south to Mount Kenya after a brief day at Samburu national park where we also got to visit a Samburu village. At Mount Kenya we had our first taste of luxury in a sophisticated lodge (we still camped in the grounds) lazing around the pool and relaxing. From here we went straight to Nairobi to get another truck to replace the wrecked one and then drove West towards Uganda. We had a great couple of days in Nukuru national park and then crossed the border near Eldoret into Uganda.