
Mare's Milk

In Kyrgyzstan and lots of Central Asia everybody drinks mare's milk which has been slightly fermented to stop it going off.

Up in the mountains of the Tien Shan range in Eastern Kyrgyzstan we trekked and managed to get some straight from a yurt. It was just like slightly fizzy yoghurty milk. Quite nice really. The guy in the picture is Adam from World Challenge.

In Bishkek they have stalls everywhere selling a commercial version:

Some of our students videoed themselves trying it out:

Mare's milk - from New Scientist (June 16th 2007)
How would you like a delicious horse sandwich? The French have their specialist butchers called boucheries chevalines and the Italians their salame di cavallo sausages, but for some reason horse meat is taboo in the English-speaking world. The same goes for horse milk - yet across much of the world, mare's milk is regarded with no more suspicion that goat's or sheep's. Some societies even consider it a luxury item.

Mare's milk is not a new fad, but it is coming back into fashion. In the early 20th century it was so popular in Germany that it was delivered door to door. More recently it has enjoyed a revival in continental Europe, with equine dairy farms springing up in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Norway. In central Asia, mare's milk is a staple food, though they prefer it with a kick. In Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan the tradition is to ferment it in a horse-hide sack for a few days until it turns into a frothy, acrid and mildly alcoholic beverage called kumis, or airag in Mongolia.

Where can you go for a refreshing cup of mare's milk? Most of it is sold as a freeze-dried powder, though there are also places where you can get it fresh. The food hall of the famous Le Bon Marché department store in Paris sells bottles of organic lait de jument, produced from thoroughbred mares on an organic farm in Burgundy.

It doesn't come cheap: a quarter of a litre will set you back ¬12. But according to some connoisseurs, it's worth it. Mare's milk is lighter and sweeter than cow's milk, with notes of watermelon and wild grass, and a nutty undertone.

Novelty aside, there may be good reason to pour some mare's milk on your breakfast cereal. Long thought to have curative properties, mare's milk has been touted as a balm for digestive problems, elixir for the liver and tonic for general malaise. It may be good for the skin too. Legend has it that Cleopatra bathed in ass's milk to soften and whiten her skin; scientists have recently discovered that ass's milk is indistinguishable from mare's.

Whether there is any truth to these claims remains to be seen, but there is one group of people for whom mare's milk has proven benefits. Infants with severe food allergies will often tolerate mare's milk when all other milk makes them sick. Recent research suggests that this is because mare's milk is closer in composition to human milk than that of any other mammal.

So how on Earth do you milk a horse? It takes considerable skill. Unlike a cow, a mare will not lactate unless her foal is present - and there is the ever-present danger of getting a flying hoof in the face.