
Sonya's Birthday

We spent the weekend at Long Ke Wan - a secluded beach not far from Tai Long Wan. Craig and others went up on the boat on Friday and dropped off some ice and cooler boxes, some people arrived on Friday night and others on Saturday morning.

The beach has no nearbye restaurant (2 hours away) so we were relying on a junk to come by and drop off loads of charcoal, however the junk couldn't negotiate the increasing swell and we were left to scavenge for wood to cook on. The weather only really started to deteriorate late on Saturday night after we'd cooked and after our beach fire.

Rachael (bless her) arrived on foot at 11pm on Saturday night carrying a bag of charcoal incase we were starving.


There is a slideshow of the weekend at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/simontaylor/sets/72057594140774319/show/